Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Humping around on Hump Day!

Hey bitches, it's Hump Day!!!!
I don't know how the hell the term ever came about....wait yes I do....I just looked it up on

Here's the definition according to them:

The term alludes to the fact that Wednesday is the middle of the work week, meaning that one has made it "over the hump" towards the weekend.
 Or this from

Wednesday, or the hump of the week
The absolute BEST day of the week, the day of maximum hope that maybe, you might make it out of this week alive. A particularly good hump day can last you the rest of the week, and by Doomday morning (Monday) you survive by anticipating hump day. Nothing goes wrong on hump day

Most other days can be defined by hump day. Tuesday is the day before hump day. Thursday is one day after hump day. Except Friday is WOOOH!!! FREEDOM!!! Day, Saturday is Mostly Hungover day, and Sunday is PreDoom day.

Hump day has nothing to do with sex. Unless one wants it to. I like to declare the existence of hump day just to see people's faces. Usually being conservative and all
"Do you know what the best thing about Tuesdays are? Its the day before Hump Day!"
"What's hump day?"
"It's the hump of the week!!"
(they all shake their heads in pity)
Exactly. So when did it become perverted and twisted around?  Anways, here's some Hump Day pics to amuse you all with. Feel free to steal 'em, 'cause you know I did.

There, did you get it all out of your system by now? Good.

By the way, with my 30th birthday less than a month away, I recently found this cool little 'site. Thanks to you can go to here:, and find what comic(s) came out on the day of your birthday. Just plug in the month and year you were born, and voila! Cool huh?
I chose Amazing Spider-Man#222, because I collected Spider-Man titles when I was starting out in comics, and because visually, one of my favorite villains Speed Demon re-debuted here.

Enjoy the middle/hump of the week.....until next time bitches.......

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