I just happened to look back at my past posts yesterday and realized that today is the one year mark of writing this blog. I almost can't believe it. It seems a year can't have gone by so fast!
It's been so fun and rewarding to do this. I love sharing my ideas, photos and thoughts with you all. I am learning so much from this blog. I am truly thrilled each time a comment appears. I know it's not easy to leave a comment on these things. There are so many of you who stop by and visit without commenting and I thank you so much. I know you are out there! The visits show in my stats of over 6,000 visits recorded on my small blog.
The one thing I never expected from writing this blog is the friendship and kindness I have received from other bloggers. I feel like I have made a truly special new circle of friends from all over the world. It's been so fun to get to know all these great people that I would never had a chance to otherwise. I am also thankful for the generosity of one beautiful and sweet lady, Adrienne Shubin, of The Rich Life on a Budget. She was an early friend and put me on her blogroll, which helped so much. If you haven't stopped by her lovely blog, one of my very favorites, you should. Four other ladies who I am so grateful to for their kind links to me are Design in my View , Sara's House, Thyme2Be, and I Just Want to Say.. They are amazing women with so much to share on their very different blogs. Thanks also to Jennifer Scott, of the The Daily Connoisseur, whose mention of my French related posts brought a lot of friends here.
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Adrienne's lovely blog. http://therichlifeonabudget.blogspot.com/ |
Thanks most of all to all my Facebook pals who took the time to click over and read. Thanks to my family ( my mom and aunts, and cousins) and dear friends who support and comments made me believe what I am doing is worth something! I love you guys! Lastly, but not least to my husband, who gave me the idea to do this in the first place. His belief in me and support make it all possible.
Thanks everyone from the bottom of my heart! I look forward to another year with you all!
All photos original property of Northern California Style, unless otherwise noted.
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