Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Give a hoot

Hey people.
For this skit I decided to finally use my DCUC Dr.Midnight figure and his pet owl side-kick Hootie. Yeah I know, but it was a different time back then. A time where it wasn't uncommon to allow young pre-pubescent boys and all kinds of animals to accompany grown men in costumes to fight other grown men in costumes.
Weren't the 30's and 40's great?

Anyways sit back, and enjoy the show:

-Dr.Midnight talking to his pet owl Hootie.
Dr.Midnight: "And the man said what!? Ha ha! Oh Hootie, your're such a hoot."

Hootie: "Hoot, hoot."

Spectre: "Must....refrain...from killing...that....damn owl!"

Dr. Midnight: "What was that Hootie? Yeah it sure has gotten awfully cold all of a sudden. Come on, let's go someplace warmer.  Now Who's a good owl? Yes you are, yes you are a good owl."

Hootie: "Hootie hoot, hoot!"

Spectre: "Oh the hell with this! God'll let me slide on this one, this one time."

-Something bad happens to hootie.

Dr. Midnight: "Hootie? Hootie? Speak to me! What happened? Oh, oh no, no! Don't go into the light! Don't go into the light! 'Sob'."

Hootie: "*..........."

Spectre: "Yesssss!"

Dr.Midnight: " 'sob' Shine on you crazy diamond, 'sob, sob' "

-Looking up at God
Spectre: "What? You let me do it."

We all know people who not just love their pets, but looooooove their pets. They go into baby talk mode, and it can get just fucking unbelievable and embarrassing how far they'll go. Not that you shouldn't show love and affection to your pets and all, but damn, Sometimes the baby/pet talk can get annoying realllll quick.

"I do not endorse this skit, nor it's missuse and death of Hootie the Owl."

Yeah, about that Darius. How in the hell did you go from this:

To this:

Yeah, my thoughts exactly!

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