Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Animal crackers in my soup...."

Captain Atom: " Well, if it isn't PETA's favorite super-hero, Animal Man!"

Animal Man: (Singing)"Animal crackers in my soup, monkeys and rabbits, loop de loop.

Hey cap. I was just going to the grocery store to pick up some things for the wife and kids. You need anything?"

Captain Atom: "Yeah, how about making it 2004 again, or better yet, 1986 while you're at it. And don't forget the industrial-sized can of whoop-ass for the whole damn DC corporation!"

Animal Man: "Wow, someone's in a bad mood."

Captain Atom: "You can say that again. God I hate this stupid company! Is it too much to ask to not be rebooted every 5 minutes? For the love of God, I'm a slightly altered human being not a laptop!"

Animal Man: "This whole NuDCU thing not working out for you I take it then?"

Captain Atom: "Did ya' gain the attention span abilities of a dolphin? Of course I'm not happy with the NuDCU! They're trying to turn me into Dr.Manhattan from the Watchmen. Do you think I'm happy with being turned into a second-rate, naked copy of myself?"

                                        Animal Man: "I guess not. Well at least my book's doing well. It's a spooky good run by the crafty Jeff Lemire. I haven't been this popular since Morrison was writing about me."

                                      Captain Atom: "I hope I give you cancer just from standing next to me.

-Ben says Animal Man should suffer from an extremely lower sperm count as well. he's right and I should've thought of that. Damn! I'm slippin'.


Animal Man: "Oh wow, I finally made it into one of these skits I'm always hearing about. Cool Beans!"

Captain Atom: "I'm just sure the wife and kids are thrilled for you."

Animal Man: "What was that?"

Captain Atom: "I said I'm thrilled for you. Welcome to the club. Ass-clown."

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