Hi friends. I missed you all so much and can't wait to share where I was and what I did. Right now I am glad to be home on one of my favorite weeks of the year. I am crazy about the parades and decorations and all the fun that goes with July fourth. I'm nuts about Wimbledon too. Here's some Independence Day inspiration for you. I'll have a Wimbledon post next. I can't wait to catch up with you all!
Tomorrow we will go to the parade at my parents house. It's a blast and everyone dresses in blue and red. This is what I'm thinking of wearing. |
I try to add little flag decor or red and blue around the house. I'm getting ready to make a caprese salad tomorrow with all these lovely tomatoes. |
Look at what my neighbor Elena made for my son. How cute is that? |
Got to have cherries right now and I love them in this blue bowl. |
I finally got blue pillows to match my blue door.! ( Thanks Linda.) I really like the smaller flags to stick in small pots. |
These gingham Pottery Barn placemats are perfect for summer. |
Love this flag pillow they carry at Cost Plus right now. It is good with stripes on my son Griffin's bed, but I will borrow it this weekend and throw it on the family room white couch with my navy stripe pillow. |
I couldn't wait to put out this kitchen towel I bought on my trip. It goes with my red and blue theme.
 | I've been wearing this very old aqua Kate Spade bag from my closet with red a ton this summer. I love how they look together.
 | I snapped this home in Montpelier, Idaho on my trip. Don't you love how all the small towns get gussied up for the fourth?
| The day just wouldn't be the same without the big festival and parade in my parent's neighborhood in San Jose, where I grew up. Our usual drill is get up, get dressed as brightly as we can, adorn bikes and helmets, drive to my parents home, then get in line for the parade. After the mile and half walk or bike through the streets, we congregate in the park, where they sell hotdogs and lunch. We check out the floats each street has made and the vintage cars. After our picnic, the local firemen bring their trucks and hose down all the kids!! It's crazy and my kid's wouldn't miss it!.The music, the floats and the creations people wear really get you in the spirit of the holiday. It is like a huge street party. Here's a few shots from last years parade. |
Some girls with their decorated doggies.
 | Griffin and his pal Joey created origami stars for their helmets and added flags and stars to their bikes. |
I really loved this gal's blue dress with stars and her red bike. |
Kids lining up to start. |
This little girl's ensemble was finished with a red feather in her hair. |
I like how this couple showed their spirit. |
One streets' float made to look like a ferris wheel complete with dolls. |
Not sure what these guys were up to. |
Someone's home decor!
More dogs showing style. :) |
Best of all, we get to spend time with my parents!
Hope your fourth is fun!
All images property of Northern California Style. |
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