Thursday, January 4, 2007

"Iron Captain vs. Man America"
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Look closely at this very cover, because it's the very reason for this post, as well as today's main subject.

Last night, as I was in a Green state of mind, I was reading one of my favorite hardcover books by Les Daniels, and his 50-year introspective of the history of Marvel Comics. While flipping through the book, I became transfixed on the cover to Tales of Suspense#59. Now historically this is an important issue. It features Captain America and Iron Man together in single title for the 1st time, as well as making the former horror title, a full-blown superhero mag.

Anyways I got to thinking about the current Marvel epic Civil War, when all of a sudden I had a drug-induced epiphany! The names on the cover should be switched around, and be read as Iron Captain and Man America. The reason for this is was simple to me; As pretains to Civil War, Captain America represents man, his ideals and the old ways of doing things, thus he is Man America. Iron man is the Iron Captain, who represents technology and the future of man/machinekind. His ideals speak to forward to the future. This is especially true now that man is increasingly becoming overly-dependent on technology, but at the same time, making man or the man-power of old, obsolete. Iron Man is the Iron Captain, representative of the csaptain of industries and and the voices of technology who now rule American and rich-world societies.
Civil War isn't just about Cap vs. Iron Man, or Pro-reg vs. Anti-reg, no it also represents old vs. new, especially the old ways of doing things and ideals vs. the ideals of progression and modern society.
Heavy stuff, I know, but that's what I was thinking about.
To top it all off, my fiancee' was also high, but saw into my mind when I was transfixed on that particular page, seemingly knowing what I was doing re-arranging the letters of the title page.
Weird stuff indeed.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

"Another Year over...And a new one just begun."

This is my first post of the new year, and damn did 2006 go buy so fast!
Seriously I hate the idea of this being 2007, since it only seems like yesterday that is was 1997!

Anyways how did you look on New Year's Eve? What about the day after? Did you look like this guy:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
or how about this guy?Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hey this chick looks like she just found out that she's adopted, a bastard child, and has a genetic disposition to get really, really drunk! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Haha, lousy drunk!

I got Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting for christmas and I really love this game! I strongly urge you to get this game if you're a big Marvel fan. I usually don't like these types of games, but this one really hooked me! I'm still addicted even though I already beat it.

I'll show more pics of my characters later, so don't worry I didn't forget, just haven't had access to a computer for awhile.

And now for your pics of the day:
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