Friday, August 10, 2012

Thank You London for the Inspiration!

I'm terribly sad the Olympics are almost over! I don't know what I'll do with myself. (Maybe get something done!) The whole family has been really enjoying piling together on the couch every night and watching until the wee hours.

One thing the Olympics really has done is inspire us all. I am amazed each day hearing the struggles that some of these athletes have overcome to get to the games. Oscar Pistorius, for one has won our hearts with his story of growing up with amputated legs. What an amazing woman his mother must have been. He recounts the story of her not tolerating any special treatment for him growing up. "She said 'Carl, you put on your shoes and Oscar you put on your prosthetics, and that's the last I want to hear about it.'  I didn't grow up thinking I had a disability. I grew up thinking I has different shoes."

Oscar on his blades. via NYdaily News

Oscar cleans up pretty good too. :)

That part just blows me away. As a parent I see how much my boys are inspired by these stories and the seeing what hard work can bring. The Olympics are nothing else if not a hugely motivating testament to what the human body can do if we want it to and work hard enough! My kids are all ready to be runners and gymnasts now. They marvel at what athletes can do. And what about those more senior Olympians? Hey, people it's never too late! Some of the best were in their late 30s, 40s, and even 50s!  As we discover more about keeping our bodies healthy as we age, we can in turn keep competing in life, sometimes with more knowledge and finesse than the very young. The human body is a truly fabulous thing.


Some of the moments and people that inspired:

Beach Volleyball gold medalists, Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh-Jennings.


I love these girls for so much. For Misty being older, for Kerri coming out of retirement after having kids. I love them for showing young American women a healthy body image. Gorgeous is healthy, fit and not perfect and not surgically implanted.

I also adored:
Canadian Synchro Team. Washington

Loved synchronized swimming.

Wasn't track and field great? Sonya Richards-Ross at top and Allyson Felix above. Usain Bolt was another super human and super funny.

Jamaican runner Usain Bolt!

The British dressage team with their gold medalis.

Dressage was the surprisingly one of the most fun sports to watch. Loved seeing the event in the park.
Sweden's Sara Algotsson Ostholt on Wega.


So happy about Brit Andy Murray getting the gold! It was about time and how nice at his home games. In fact Team GB did brilliant, as the English say. A ton of talented people from Great Britain for sure.

Serena and Venus did us proud as well!


How about the U.S. Women's Soccer Team?  Yay us!

Gymnastics has become beyond difficult. These kids are also fearless. U.S. Team

U.S. Swimmers. Missy Franklin (left).

Missy Franklin did pretty darn good for a high schooler earning us five medals, four were gold. Not bad for a Summer vacation activity!

Another wonderful thing is that this is the first time women outnumbered men on the United States Olympic Team. Between the soccer, volleyball, gymnastics and swimming we may have medaled more too. A great article about women in the games I stumbled upon is here. You may not have noticed but more women from Islamic and Muslim countries are participating. One such young woman was Wojdan Shahrkhani of Saudi Arabia in Judo.

Called a prostitute by her own countrymen she prevailed and her appearance is a triumph for Saudi women. Likewise Sarah Attar who ran the 800, below. This coming from a country where women still cannot vote or drive. The article above tells a bit more about how the IOC pressured Saudi Arabia and a few other Islamic countries to include women on their teams. This can only serve to raise women up in these countries and hopefully push for more freedom. Go Olympics!

And if it wasn't enough for lovely London to host these games they have provided their own sweetheart and world cheerleader, the darling Kate Middleton, or as they are now calling her, Princess Kate, which seems to be sticking. How great a fan was she and I think we love her even more now! See below a few shots of her during the games. She seemed to be at almost every event. The girl must be exhausted.

I can't wait to see the closing ceremonies. I loved the opening ones, especially the Queen and James Bond skydiving in. My kids died laughing over Mr Bean.

Thank you London! This had been an Olympics that I will never forget! You did yourselves proud!

What did you love the most? 

Enjoy the last weekend!


Thursday, August 9, 2012

BAM! POW! There goes my colon!

A short one today folks, because you know...I can:)

This is kind of based off what Batman and Robin would really look like in real time. Or to go in another direction, just imagine this is what Adam West and Burt Ward would look like if they decided to put those the bat-tights back on.

Batman: "Quick Robin! To the Bat-mobile!  Cesar Romero, uh I mean, the Joker's on the loose again!"

Robin: "Holy Colon-Blow Batman! We better hurry before those bat-laxatives we just took kick in  and we float on down to downtown Gotham City in a mudslide!"

Batman: "Too late Robin! Ugh! They! Oh my! I just took a bat-dump in my belfry!"

Robin: "Holy AARP membership! That smells awful! Looks like the Joker's gonna' get away this time, and not because the Bat-mobile broke a wheel either."

Batman: "Quick Dick! Get Alfred! Tell 'em it's going be long, messy night. Ohhhhh!"

Looks like there really is no country for old men. Even in Gotham City:)

Have a good weekend folks!

And on an unrelated note, here's a funny-ass scene, and one of my favorites, from Cheech and Chong's movie Up in smoke.
 It's probably just me, but I love the way Chong's movie dad says "Son of a Bitch!" 
Fucking priceless!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Is there a Doctor in the house?

Sometimes I follow up on past skits, sometimes I don't. But this time I did, so if you remember the skit I did a short time back called "I'm just a singer in a rock and roll band", then this is the official follow-up I've meant to finish up for awhile now.


Robotman: "Okay Lar, since the Chief hasn't been made by Mattel yet, I guess the next best thing to do to cure you of that damn singing, is to call a doctor."

Negative Man: "Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah, some people call me the doctor of love....."

Robotman: "You're really startin' to piss me off with all dat singin'."

Robotman: "Alright, I called in the closest doctor I could find at this time of night. Some weird cat who calls himself Dr.Strange."

Negative Man" Strangelove....strange highs and strange lows. Strangelove, that's how my love goes."

Robotman: "Now don't you start that again!"

Dr.Strange: "Greetings Doom Patrollers, I am the master of the mystic arts, Dr.Strange. I believe you called me about a certain problem you're having?"

Robotman: "Well yeah, but I don't know what the hell magic has to do with this, but if it can fix mummy-puss over there, then let's give it a shot."

Dr.Strange: "Now what seems to be the problem with your friend?"

Robotman: "He wouldn't stop singin', and it's driving me fucking nuts!"

Negative Man: "Baby you can drive my car.....tell you I'm gonna' be a star...."

Robotman: "See what I mean doc? He's been like this for days now I tell ya', days!"

Dr.Strange: "I see. I've seen cases like this before, and it's quite clear to me your friend has Karaoke-itis."

Robotman: "What!?"

Dr.Strange: "It's nothing to worry about I assure you. He'll return to normal after you let it run its course. Should take another 24hrs I believe."

Negative Man: "Oh I need your love babe....eight days a week."

Robotman: "What!? You was supposed to fix him, not encourage him!"

Dr.Strange: "Trust meRobotman is it? Everything will be fine by tomorrow. I'll have my manservant Wong send you the bill."

Robotman: "Manservant? Wong? What the hell kinda' whacked out gay porno scene you got going on over there?"

Negative Man: "He's the one they call Dr.Feelgood; he's the one that makes it alright."

Robotman: "First thing in the morning, I'm reporting that quack to the better business bureau. Sheesh!"

Extra Scene:

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Fast and the Furyous

Got a late start today folks, thanks to the shitty weather. It fucks with my Wi-Fi connection bad, thus adding another reason why I hate summer. I know I have to break down and buy a wireless antenna, but I'm cheap and lazy, and don't feel I need a bunch of equipment just to have fucking internet. Bullshit people, bullshit.


Here's a skit I have had in the can for 4 months, but never used it. Maybe you guys will like, maybe not. Picture quality's not the best, but the dialogue, yeah I'm actually proud of that.

So without further ado.......

Nick Fury: "Yahoo! I'm a fucker, I'm a fighter, I'm a wild-bull rider! Yahoo!

Captain America: "Dammit Nick, I told you it's time for your daily meds! Now come back down here mister or there will be some serious consequences."

Nick Fury: "Eat it Rogers, ya' lousy pinko!"

Nick Fury: "I'm coming for you David Hasselhoff! I'm gonna' make your commie ass sorry you and Hydra ever tried to sissify my name with that shitty FOX made for TV movie ya' candy-assed goldbrick!
I'm gonna' make you my bitch just like I did with ol' Adolph."

Captain America: "Sigh. Why me? God why do you hate me so much? Haven't I always done the right thing for America and the whole entire world all my life? I think I deserve better than this."

Nick Fury: "Stop yer' crying ya' pinko goldbrick, 'cause it's time to kill us some Nazis. Yahoo, ya' Nazi-lovin' bastards! Get some, get some!"

Well Fury's got a point there; after all that Nick Fury movie from FOX really was god-awful. I mean the chick playing Madame Hydra, Sandra Hiss was hot as hell, but the whole movie looked low-rent, and it showed. Thus probably why it took a bad-ass like Sam L. Jackson to make Fury cool know, even if this Nick Fury's black. But I digress.

In honor of Fury's.....enthusiasm, here's a track from probably one of his favorite movies, Full Metal Jacket, called "Hello Vietnam."

Take it away Johnny Wright!

Monday, August 6, 2012

"They call me the breeze.....I keep rolling down the road."

Well kiddies,
this is my 1st post as a 31 year-old, and frankly it feels the same as I did when I was 30. Go figure huh.

So I was visiting family in upstate Greenville, and found time to find a nice comic book store. It was small, but packed to the fucking rafters with toys, and one of the biggest and complete collections of trades I've ever seen! So I couldn't help myself, and bought a really nice one, called Tales of the Multiverse: Batman-Vampire. 

Yes, the whole vampire-Batman trilogy by the creative team of Doug Moench and Kelley Jones. And trust me, if you've ever seen Kelley Jones' work, then you know how he was born to draw Batman, especially as a vampire. Trust me he really does, as he's always drawn Batman with long, exaggerated ears, and there on full display in this collection. I highly recommend it, if you happen to run into it. Good, good stuff!

And of course no visit to a comic book store is complete without feeding my addiction for more action figures. And boy did I luck out.

I snatched up the DC Direct Identity Crisis Elongated Man, who has two inter-changeable rubber arms, ala Mr.Fantastic, and a neck that you can pull up a good ways. He's really nice, even if the face doesn't exactly translate as well, based off whoever sculpted him. But he's damn decent, and will hold me over until I ever run into the new DCUC version that's coming out next year via the DCUC Subscription club.

-photo is courtesy of

I then snatched up the two head combo of the GLC wave figures Medphyll and Nautkeloi. They are very cool, even though Medphyll's head makes him look like the Guardians gave a power ring to a talking broccoli stalk, and the Nautkeloi head's super loose; as in it doesn't like to stay on. I don't know if that's just the one I got, or if other people have the same problem. Other way, it's a very cool and unique figure.

Finally, besides snatching up the new Green Lantern#11, I also picked up the DCUC version of one of the Metal Men, Mercury. Normally I wouldn't because I'm not that much of a big fan of the figures in general, but he does come with a valuable piece for my C&C Bane figure. So all he's missing is his legs, and then he'll be done. So if anyone's got any spare Bane Legs, throw 'em my way please:)
There'll be a future short skit based off him missing his lower half that you guys might enjoy. And yes, all the easy jokes will be included.

I'm really starting to warm up to Mercury though, as he's bad-tempered and extremely sarcastic, so he'll be loads of fun in future skits. Plus that giant scissor-hand's cool as hell too! He looks like he's flipping you bird, but with a big pair of scissors attached. Very nice:)

So all-in-all, I made out pretty damn well. This weekend I go to my home away from home, Heroes and Dragons in Columbia. And oh yes, there will be blood.....nah, but there will be figures! Lots and lots of figures!

And with that, let's go see what's going on in Mr.Morbid's neighborhood shall we?

-Professor Zoom and Johnny Quick argue amongst themselves as to who really is the Flash's fastest and greatest foe.

Prof.Zoom: "I'm the Flash's greatest foe you fool!'

Johnny Quick: "No, you hyped-up twinkie with deer antlers, I am!"

Zoom: "Grrrr!"

Quick: "Grrrrr!"

Just then, The Flash arrives!

The Flash: "Hey. hey quiet down you two! Now what seems to be the matter fellas?"

Zoom: "Tell him Flash. Tell Mr. Johnny-not-so-Quick that I'm your greatest nemesis ever!"

Flash" "Well yeah, you do have a point there."

Quick: "No I am! Tell that moron over there, that unlike him, we're actually correctly color-coordinated. That and I'm faster, so that makes me your greatest enemy!"

Flash: "Well, yeah I guess that's a good point as well."

-Both men argue incessantly about who's the Flash's greatest enemy, causing the usually calm and collected Flash to become really annoyed and blow his top.

Flash: "Fellas, fellas! Look, you're both equally evil and useless.
-points to Zoom.
"You, you claim to be a professor, but obviously that wasn't for color theory because all you did was rip-off my costume and reverse the colors. Nothing more, nothing less; thus making you an idiot. An annoying time-traveling idiot, but an idiot nonetheless!"

-points to Johnny Quick.
"And you, what the hell's up with your costume. Yeah, you're color-coordinated alright, but what the hell's up with those antlers you have? It's like Nicola Tesla designed your outfit, but then said fuck it when he got to the ear-pieces. You look ridiculous for God sake's man! And those 'lighting stripes of yours.....God awful. I can't tell if those are lighting bolts, or someone pissed on your chest.
Now both of you scram, before I really get annoyed!"

-Zoom and Quick both look at each other in amazement at what just happened.

Zoom: "What crawled up his ass today?"

Quick: "I don't know. Maybe he's not getting any. That'll do it."

Quick: "Anyways, I still say I'm the Flash's greatest enemy."

Zoom: "No, I am and I can prove it. One word: Flashpoint!"

Quick: "Huh. Yeah you win. I mean, Me and the Syndicate may have done some fucked up shit, but we never tanked an entire universe's continuity that caused an unnecessary reboot and lost countless readers. Yeah you win."

Zoom: "That's all I'm saying."

 Bonus extra cover:

Take us out Lynyrd Skynrd........