Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"You got to accentuate the positive....."

"You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
And latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
-Johnny Mercer

Just a quick one today folk.

Like my buddy Googum@ random happenstance, and countless others, I question the wisdom of DC/Dan Didio in choosing to cancel Gail Simone's Secret Six. Sure DC/Didio will claim that the combination of low numbers/poor sales and the massive DCU reboot is responsible, and to that they'll always have a point. Still, in light of the fact that there's going to be a few cancellations from the upcoming "52", we should all pay close attention to how well BoP and Fury of Firestorm does. If they don't make the grade, and Suicide Squad fails(which it probably will due to fan backlash) than I don't see why Secret Six can't come back. Sure, we all have to wait and see how the various team members get rebooted, especially the fates of Bane, Catman, and the others, but for now at least there's the TPB's to keep us warm at nights.
I admit, I'm a new fan myself, and have a bunch of catch-up to do. But I must say due to various positive rave reviews and reading various spoilers, I all aboard the SS express. Ugh, that's not going to look good.

Here's your zen moment of the day, a.k.a. enjoy the crappy pictures.

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