Monday, August 1, 2011

Remember These?

Yes, the 90's were a fun and crazy time if you were a comic collector. Both the main 2 comic publishers and other comic publishers were trying everything they could think of to hook potential new buyers. This led to many bizarre gimmicks, but there were actually a good number that worked....worked real well. Case in point, the hologram cover.

Odds are you saw many of these covers, and you probably bought quite a few too. Don't feel bad, we all did at one time or another. And for the times, they were pretty damn cool to look at. I have here for example the series of hologram covers that came with the special X-Men and X-men- related comics during the famous "Fatal Attractions" crossover during the fall of '93:

Awww....Aren't they pretty? I used to have all six, but for some weird reason I gave the last two away.
And the stories weren't that bad at the time either. If you don't remember, this was when Magneto returned with a vengeance to fight the X-Men for seemingly the last time. The fight was so brutal, that as you can clearly see, Wolverine loses his adamantium, forcing Prof. X to mind-wipe his old friend in retaliation. This set up major storylines for the next few years, so this crossover was actually pretty important not just at the time, but overall as well.
 Who knew a whole craze could be started by a bunch of trading cards. Trading cards you say? Yep.
Tune in tomorrow to see just where the whole hologram craze started from.

Also, my buddy Googum's birthday is today. So he and MTV share a birthday, so that's cool. You can leave a b-day greeting if you choose by heading over to his blog, Random Happenstance.
I find it both cool and weird myself, seeing as how my own birthday is this Thursday, and we're both Leos. Cool huh?

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