Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Devil Inside

Today's going be a real, shorty-short one folks.
Why you my ask? Well I'm feeling a little lazy, but I also have to pack for my birthday weekend trip, so there.

Oh don't worry, I'll be back by Monday. And if not, well then I guess one of the fab Four(no not those fab four) can play rocks, paper, scissors to see who gets to run the House.

Knowing them, they'll just turn it into a frat house filled with strippers, loose women, and all the beer you can drink.

Well that just sucks; throwing a kick-ass party like that only after I'm gone. Some friends:(

today's short-shot involves the Blue Devil, so enjoy!

-Blue Devil climbs up out of the dark chamber.
Blue Devil: "Whew! Damn, that was some work climbing up out of there. Ugh! I think I saw my dignity and Dan Didio's soul down there. Coincidence? I think not."

-Blue Devil looks back down
"Yep. They're down there all right. And look, there's the entire pre-rebooted DCU continuity down there too. Huh. Far out. Sad, but far out."
What? Hey I feel as a paying customer, and yes I still do occasionally buy DC Comics,( But more often than not its the trades I buy nowadays) that I can readily and willfully rip on books that out right suck.

If you've followed this blog long enough, then it should be no surprise that I openly have disdain for Dan Didio and the current editorial regime over there. I'm not blaming, nor do I have issues with the characters themselves. I'm not because they're simply imaginary characters subject to the whim of the very company that owns them. So it's not their fault when they act uncharacteristically and say and do shit they wouldn't normally do(i.e. the current Justice League title). And no, I can't blame the entire company, since that entails blaming the production staff, trade paperback staff, and various other groups of workers. So I won't, although I will throw the crew responsible for the DCUC toy line in there based off the repeatedly stupid and asinine decisions they've made lately regarding that line's fate.
But that's besides the point.

I know I've bitched about this repeatedly, so I'll stop for now, but I abso-fucking-lutley hate the reboot! I don't care what people or some comic professionals say, the reboot makes no sense and is completely unnecessary. I'll leave it to other, more comic industry-oriented websites like can supply you with the exact sales figures, but by and large they haven't super-boosted the industry. Some say it was the shot in the arm, the industry needed. Really? 30-odd years of continuity flushed down the drain just so the company could justify new shiny #1's and ugly costumes?

That and they needed to reboot everything just to publish digital comics?  I'm pretty sure they could have done that and left things they way they were. And aside from the horrible Teen Titans and Superboy rebooted relaunches, you honestly expect me to believe they couldn't have told the types of stories they have so far and put out the types of books they had without having to go through the rebooting process?

 Not buying it. Especially when you see titles like GL, Batman, and even Aquaman go on like nothing's really happened.

But I digress. I know, I know, I just have to get over it like everyone else did, but still......

Anyhoo, I'll leave you guys with something positive and fun, since I am Mr. Morbid and not Mr. Angry, and this is the House of Fun, and not the House of complaining. So with that in mind, here's some INXS, and their hit "Devil Inside."

Take it away boys!

Have a good weekend folks!

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