Wednesday, August 1, 2012

"Always bet on Black"

1st of the month mother-truckaaaaaaaaaaaas!
It's fun doing that. Oh the little pleasures we derive out of life, am I right?

Anyhoo, before I get to the main attraction, some quick shout-outs.

Two birthdays to celebrate today; one used to be fun to observe, and the other one is a new reason to celebrate the 1st of August, you know besides, it being....

So birthday boy/entity numero uno, is MTV.

Ah yes MTV.
I've gone on a short rant before on the topic of MTV, and how far the concept and network have fallen since its golden days, a long, long time ago. So I won't go into all that again, but I will say this, it seems the network may have been ahead of the curve after all. How you say?
Well look at the programming they have on there; baby-mama drama, fist-pumping, alcohol-guzzling Guidos,   reboots of popular 80's movies, high school comedies, Jack-Ass rip-offs, and shows devoted to covering funny web blunders, you know, because there aren't enough of those types of shows already out there;(

It's the type of programming that's perfect for today's aggressively short-attention spanned teenager. Quite sad really.

And as I lamented before, the incredible lack of emphasis on what brought MTV to the dance in the first place: actual music! Well what passes for music these days, so don't ask me about that particular topic unless you want me to tell you when actual music was being made.


....It was before you were born!
Well maybe not Shlomo, but you get the point.

So yes, happy 31st birthday, MTV. You now largely irrelevant symbol of days long gone by.

And the other birthday?
Oh yeah, you know him as the host of his very own blog, and admitted collector of Barbie doll furniture(I think:)) Googum!

Yes our very own Big 'EMs aficionado turns.......IDK, but I probably won't want to know what it is in dog years:)

So do the big guy a favor and visit his blog, because frankly kids, he needs all the visitors he can get:)

I kid, I kid, He's doing fine.
So happy birthday Goo!

And now ladies and gentlemen, on to the main reason you come here, and I know its not the food:

"Always bet on black"

-Bronze Tiger walking along, minding his own business, when all of a sudden....

Spider-Man: "Hey, look who it is! Wow man, I've always been a big fan of your films."

Bronze Tiger: "Say what!?"

Spider-Man: "Yeah, I know're Wesley Snipes. I loved Jungle Fever, Passenger 57, oh and all those Blade movies. If it wasn't for you, Marvel wouldn't be making so many kick-ass movies like it is now. Say, aren't you supposed to be in jail though? You know, for tax evasion?"

Bronze Tiger: "What!? What in the hell makes you think I'm Wesley Snipes? Oh you think just because I'm black and I know karate I just have to be Wesley Snipes then? That's just straight up racist man, damn!"

Spider-Man"Sorry man. It was an honest mistake."

Bronze Tiger(not Wesley Snipes): "Oh you're sorry now huh? You're gonna' be sorry in a minute after I kick your white, honkey-ass!"

Spider-Man: "Hey I'm not racist, honest to god! I have black friends, you know, like War Machine and Luke Cage."

Bronze Tiger: "Oh you think you're down because your friends with a poor-man's black Iron Man and Mr. Blackspolitation himself? That nigga' still thinks he's in the 70's, hanging out with his rich, crazy white friend with the Kung-Fu fetish and fucking green pajamas. Fuck that shit!"
Spider-Man: "Hey he's cool, I swear!"

                                Bronze Tiger: "Whatever cracker, I...wait a damn minute! That's not how I talk. I'm a respectable and well-educated man, not some puppet who has his strings pulled by some punk-ass puppet master."

-Both men look at the viewer/Puppet-Master.

Bronze Tiger: "Yeah, that explains everything. The hell with being played like this, I'm outta' here. And if I ever catch you manipulating me again, I'm gonna' show you why you always bet on black!"

Bronze Tiger: "Damn! he did it again!"

Spider-Man: "It happens." Shrugs shoulder

I know somewhere out there, Omega's just nodding his head, going "Right On!", and "Now why didn't I think of that?"

And on that note, here's a birthday dedication to all you lucky birthday boys and girls out there. Sing us out Stevie!

Peace folks!

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