Saturday, September 24, 2011

Figs People!

We are right in the middle of prime fig season now! You know how it is with figs, - you're either a fan or not. I have to say I'm a fan! I love them all! Green, black, brown, they are all amazing. My favorite is the brown turkey fig! They look like a little round turkey.

I started like most of you, who think they hate figs. I never tried one, except for Fig Newtons, until I had them in a couscous, at a friends house. I got recruited to slice green figs for it and was completely mystified at how to handle them and if you ate the skin, etc. I learned fast and well, the rest is history.

This recipe calls for a box of plain couscous, figs cut in quarters, (or smaller if you prefer), browned rings of a shallot, toasted pine nuts, and olive oil and salt to taste. I have to say, it is probably one of my most favorite things in the world! Just try it and you will see.

This dish started my love affair with the fig and now I try to use it whenever I can.  Here's another -a salad I threw together. Don't they just make everything look so luscious? They're great with mint too.

One time, I also made a yummy appetizer for the hubster and his friend Justin, with figs, a bit of goat cheese and a walnut on the top. Delicious! Love that with a cold glass of white wine on a late Summer afternoon. Love to know what everyone else does with figs. Enjoy it's a short season!

Our fig-appreciating friend, Justin. Had to add him!

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