Friday, July 20, 2012

A Dark Night for Us All

I know this blog is about fluff, but sometimes I just have to get real. Today is one of those days. I Just had to write. I am beyond sad about the shooting in Colorado at The Dark Knight movie.

If anything comes out of this I hope Hollywood looks at themselves and the crap they are putting out. Don't tell me the violence they produce doesn't have consequences. I just told my husband yesterday that I was wondering if this Batman movie is as horrific as the last one. We saw the last one without our boys and I was so glad after that weren't with us. The beginning scene with the joker killing so many stands out in my mind as one of the most frightening things I have seen. Now it seems some person has tried to recreate that. I cannot believe it. I don't know how disturbed this guy was, but he was able to procure all his weapons legally!

All I can think about is what I can do as a mother and a woman is vote with my wallet and at the ballet box. I will no longer pay for myself or my children to anything like this. Ever. I will only support candidates who believe in stricter gun control laws. And I'll make sure I know their position.

The United States has the loosest gun control laws on our earth. A gun that can fire 100 bullets without needing reloading is legal to buy. So are fully automatic weapons like machine guns if they are bought with a permit and through a dealer. How can that be? That is wrong and needs to be changed.

Do you agree with me? If so, make a difference with your wallet and your vote.

My heart and prayers goes to all who have been involved. Let's make a difference so these people will not have died in vain.

if you want to sign a petition to take action to prevent gun violence and more click here for The Brady Campaign.

Thanks for reading,

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