Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"You say hello, and I say goodbye"

Continuing on with the unofficial Batman theme @ the House this week, I'll be providing some scans from an interview with Grant Morrison and Neal Adams featured in Wizard Magazine#194.

But first,
if you checked in over @, then you'll know that Morrison's planning or has planned to leave DC and possibly comics in general in 2013. It seems he's ready to do other stuff away from comics that doesn't include ignoring continuity and writing President Obama as Superman. I kid, I kid. I'm glad he chose to willfully ignore the reboot and do things his way; face it folks, he's one of the very few comic writers around to be able to do it and get away it. No Mr. Morrison's ready to spread his wings and write for movies, and what not. Here's the link to get the skinny on the whole thing:

Now he is supposed to finish up that long-delayed, long-talked about Multiversity mini by next year, so here's hoping because I and countless others have been waiting or that thing to come out since what, 2008?

And since the project doesn't have to be connected or rooted to the current DCU continuity, it stands a much better chance of being a success. Well at least it does to me. Who doesn't want to Morrison's take on The Watchmen? Or a whole world devoted to the Captain Marvel family? Throw in 6 other worlds, and call me sold!

Then following that, Rob Liefield announces he too is leaving in 2013. And no one cares.........
Seriously, who's buying Hawkman, Grifter, and Deathstroke right now? Anybody? He twitted(oh brother) all three titles sold out, which is nice and all, maybe for fans of those titles/characters. But what he didn't mention was that he was probably the one that bought 'em all in the first place. Oh you........

Here's the scans from that Wizard interview. This was wayyyy back in Dec '07 when Morrison was really  starting to get into the grove of his Batman saga. He was tasked with bringing Ra's Al Guhl back from the dead after writer Greg Rucka killed him off, or rather had Ra's daughter Nylissa do the deed.

This was a way too short interview that should have been at least 4-5 pages long, instead of the short 2 we got, as you can tell how much Morrison just loved talking about Batman with Adams. In the short space provided, we get a small glimpse of the wide range ot topics they go into; such as discussing how Ra's should be drawn, the dueling ideologies between Batman and Ra's, how hot Talia is, and how Batman should be portrayed. All good stuff, and no doubt they talked about a lot more stuff than that. Shame really, but that was how Wizard Magazine rolled in its later years. High on fluff, and a lot of the good stuff. Oh well, I'll still miss you Wizard.

So here they are in case you didn't see them the first time.....


Finally, here's some parting music with who else, The Beatles! And yes if you didn't know already, this is their hit, and a personal favorite of mine, "Hello, Goodbye"

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