Monday, July 23, 2012

The Dark Knight Falls....

Hey Folks!

So I went and saw The Dark Knight Rises at my local movie theater this past Saturday night, and it was awesome indeed! I can't stress enough how much fans and casual Bat-fans should go see this.
I will say make sure you re-watch the 1st movie, Batman Begins, as this movie heavily, heavily ties into and wraps up a lot of character and plot points brought up by Batman Begins.

I won't spoil it, but Dan was right in saying there were plenty of twists and surprises, because by God, there sure were!

And no loud or annoying kids or talking teens to interrupt me either, so even better!

So in honor of DKR, here's my bat-inspired skit of the day. Enjoy!

 -Batman has fallen and hurt his knee, which causes him to unintentionally break out into a Peter Griffin impression.


One week later...........

The End

Moves like Jagger, or moves like Alfred? You decide.

Lastly, I recently bought the DKR movie masters version of Catwoman. 
*credit to

She's not bad actually, and since I've kinda' positioned myself into buying up the collect and connect Bat-Signal pieces, then the bottom stand that comes w/ Catwoman is pretty sweet. Plus it looks like it comes she comes a parking meter. It's not, but I'll pretend it is:)
This is the goggles up variant, as there's a goggles down one too, but personally I like this one better...and it's rare too, so go me. I wish she came with more accessories, like idk a whip, a string of pearls, something.
If you go to, they review the figure in more detail, so hop to it if you're interested.
What did suck, is that K-Mart did have a 50% off sale on all action figures, but then when I went to buy Catwoman, she was listed as regular price. Damn! Must've stopped around the time DKR came out because I was wanting to buy Batman and maybe Bane for the last parts needed to complete it. Oh well, Rome wasn't built in a day.

And before I go, here's today's parting song; "Stand or fall" by The Fixx.
What? I like them, and it's a very appropriate song considering what just happened:)

Have a good one!

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